Certified Food Safety Manager certificates must have a current date effective 1/1/19 per FDA Food Code. 

Contact us at 860-745-0383 for more information.


New Business Hours For Enfield Office:
Monday - Wednesday: 8:00am - 5:30pm EST  Thursday: 8:00am-7:00pm EST  Friday: 8:30am-12:30pm EST


Servicing the towns of:
Enfield  |  Ellington  |  East Windsor  |  Windsor Locks Suffield  |  Vernon  |  Windham  |  Stafford

Inspection Services

As part of the North Central District Health Department's primary mission, to prevent epidemics and the spread of disease, the Inspection Services Program concentrates on enforcing all applicable state and local environmental health codes for the places outlined below.


In the state of Connecticut, child day care centers licenses are handled by the State. However as part of that licensing process, an environmental inspection of the premises has to be conducted by the district . A District inspection ensures that the drinking water supply is safe, that the indoor and outdoor areas are clean and in good repair, and that facilities are lead free. If the facility prepares food on-site, then the kitchen is also licensed by the district and inspected on a routine basis under the Food Protection Program.

Hotels, Motels, & Public Inns

Hotel & Motels are licensed by the District and inspected for compliance with state, as well as District, codes and regulations relating to sanitation and safety. They are inspected twice a year or as often as necessary to ensure compliance with all codes. If you or someone you know has a hotel complaint about a hotel or motel within our district, you may us our contact page to submit the complaint or call (860) 745-0383.

Barber Shops, Beauty, & Nail Salons

As required by the Connecticut General Statutes, the Connecticut Public Health Code, and the North Central District Health Department Sanitary Code, The North Central District Health Department will be licensing and inspecting Barber Shops, Beauty Salons, and Nail Salons annually  as of January 1, 2009.  You can obtain a copy of the current Barber Shop/Salon Regulations as well as an application for a License by clicking on the blue links or navigating to our Forms Page.

Tattoo Parlors

All tattoo parlors must yearly register with the NCDHD and present to the department a letter from a physician with original signatures of the physician and the people he has trained in proper sanitary practice and infection prevention in order to operate. Additionally, tattoo technicians now need to apply for a license with State of CT.  Click here for a complete listing of the State of CT’s requirements for the Tattoo Technician.  


The Health Department is responsible for the investigation of complaints with regard to public health hazards and nuisances in accordance with the CT Public Health Code Sections 19-13-B1, B2, B21 and related sections and the CT Housing Code Statutes. Complaints that are filed by the public dealing with housing, trash, animal waste, rodents and insects. The department also inspects complaints related to septic systems and wells, restaurants, and foodborne illnesses. Please call us at 860-745-0383 to report a complaint.


The North Central District Health Department is a full-time Public Health Department with a full-time staff funded by its member towns and an annual per capita grant from the Connecticut State Department of Public Health

Our Mission is to prevent disease, injury, and disability by promoting and protecting the health and well-being of the public and our environment.

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